Dua Hari di Pulau Pari

Kelompok 3

        Kuliah lapangan pendahuluan oseanografi dan oseanografi biologi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9-10 September 2017 di Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh dosen, asisten, dan mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah pendahuluan oseanografi dan oseanografi biologi. Terdapat 13 orang tim pendahulu yang berangkat pada hari jumat dini hari untuk menempatkan alat dan melakukan pengukuran awal. Namun dikarenakan gelombang yang tinggi, pengukuran pun tidak jadi dilakukan. Sedangkan peserta selain tim pendahulu berangkat pada hari sabtu dini hari. Kami berkumpul dulu di ruang seminar labtek biru pukul 22.00 untuk melakukan absen dan briefing teknis perjalanan. Setelah itu kami diberi waktu untuk beristirahat hingga waktu keberangkatan tiba. Pada pukul 00.30, kami mulai siap-siap membawa barang menuju bis yang terparkir di depan gerbang utama. Perjalanan menuju Jakarta pun dimulai pukul 01.00, banyak dari kami yang menghabiskan waktu dengan mendengarkan lagu, mengobrol, maupun melanjutkan istirahat. Kami pun tiba di Pelabuhan Muara Angke pada pukul 04.00 pagi. Suasana di sekitar pelabuhan masih gelap namun sudah banyak calon penumpang yag datang dan menunggu keberangkatan kapal. Setelah melaksanakan solat subuh, kami langsung sarapan bersama-sama sambil duduk lesehan.

       Akhirnya kami pun diperbolehkan untuk menaiki kapal. Namun kami harus menunggu hingga kapal tersebut penuh agar berangkat. Pukul 08.00 kapal berangkat dan membutuhkan waktu 2 jam hingga sampai di Pulau Pari. Kami pun bertemu dengan tim pendahulu dan bertanya bagaimana cerita mereka disana selama sehari. Pukul 11.00 kami memulai bekerja dengan modul yang telah ditentukan. Kelompokku yaitu kelompok 3 mulai dengan modul 3 yaitu kemiringan dan ekosistem pantai. Kami mengukur kemiringan pantai dengan alat dan mencatat benda apapun di sekitar pantai dengan jarak tertentu dibantu oleh dua asisten yaitu Kak Ojan dan Kak Arsy. Kemudian kami melanjutkan ke modul 4 yaitu pasang surut dan parameter meteorologi. Disitu kami melakukan pencatatan setiap 15 menit sekali sehingga bisa menyelesaikan modul tersebut sembari makan siang. Kami juga dihampiri oleh Bu Susan dan mengobrol serta makan bersama. Sebelum melanjutkan ke modul 1, kami diberi tahu bahwa pukul 14.00 kami harus mengirimkan 1 orang ke mess untuk menghitung nilai produktivitas primer dengan syarat tim pendahulu tidak boleh diterjunkan. Masing-masing dari kami ingin melakukan modul yang menaiki kapal karena ingin menikmati sensasi tengah laut. Akhirnya kami berinisiatif untuk menurunkan orang yang pertama kali muntah saat naik kapal nanti. Jika tidak ada yang muntah, maka kami akan suit untuk menentukan orang yang harus ke mess.

               Ternyata saat melakukan pengukuran arus laut, tidak ada yang muntah sehingga kami harus suit saat tiba di dermaga. Akhirnya Reno kalah dan harus pergi ke mess. Kami langsung naik kapal lagi untuk melakukan modul 2 yaitu batimetri. Setelah selesai, kami melanjutkan ke modul  5 yaitu KAL dan garis pantai. Kami menikmati suasana di pinggir pantai sore hari sambil mengumpulkan data. Lalu, semua kelompok berkumpul di mess dan diinstruksikan ke pantai untuk melakukan penanaman mangrove dan lamun. Setelah itu, kami diberi waktu bebas untuk mandi dan beristirahat. Kemudian pada pukul 20.00 kami berkumpul di balai untuk sharing data dan penjelasan teknis kepulangan esok harinya. Pada hari Minggu pagi sekitar pukul 09.00, kami telah bekumpul di depan mess asisten untuk bersiap-siap pulang. Lalu kami jalan kaki menuju kapal dan tak lupa membeli pop ice serta telor gulung untuk menemani perjalanan. Kapal kembali berlayar selama 2 jam menuju Pelabuhan Muara Angke. Setelah itu kami naik andong untuk menuju ke bis an akhirnya naik bis pada pukul 13.00. Banyak dari kami yang tertidur pulas di bis. Akhirnya pada pukul 16.00 kami sampai dengan selamat di kampus dengan membawa segudang pengalaman dan cerita dari Pulau Pari.


Right Education Leads to Bright Future

          A Better Future is everyone’s dream. People try to fix themselves to be better. There is also quotes ‘Today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today’. It means that a better future is very important that we must fight for it. One of the way to achieve that dream is with education. I believe that with education, everything can changes. Right education leads to the right changes too. But the problem is, what is the right education to give positive impact for all? The right education can’t be found easily, we must try continuesly to know what we really need.The process to find the right education sometimes makes us confuse and in the end we just give up. But that is the challenge, life is just like a game, we must find the best strategy and complete all the challenges to reach the finish point.

          In the colonial era, not all children can go to school, only children from rich family have a chance to get education. It is such an irony because many children out there just forced by the colony to work. Years and years changes but the education still the same. But then appear a man named Kyai H. Ahmad Dahlan who fight for fair education in Indonesia. At first he became a teacher in one of Holland school, he taught not only exact subject but also moral lesson. One day, while class study activity just like ordinary, one of his student was flatus and whole the class were laughing at him. But with his smartness, Ahmad Dahlan was not laugh but talked that flatus is a common thing for human. When we are flatus, it means that our digestion system is still good and we must be grateful to God for His blessing.

K.H.Ahmad Dahlan

          This way of teaching makes the students loved Ahmad Dahlan so much. Ahmad Dahlan kept study and fix himself to find the best education. And in the end, he could make an institute named Muhammadiyah that include school and hospital all around Indonesia. Now, his institute has developed very fast that you can found a lot of school and hospital named Muhammadiyah wherever you go. That is one of the example of education that can be implement.  Of course there are a lot of changes between colonial and modern era. And education must be appropriate with what the people need in that era.

          In the 21th century, technology grow fast and people use the implementation of technology in almost every part of their daily life. Children also get the impact of technology development. Their attitude and way of think can easily change by technology. Children no longer play traditional games with their friends in front of house or talk to each other frequently. They just lay on the bed all day with their gadget on hand. They both play games and chatting via gadget. They ignore people near them. So sad, right? Information that spread very fast also can influence them. Such as bullying in the film or fighting action. By many changes that can be found easily in this time, the most appropriate education is not only knowledge but also moral lesson. It is so important because moral lesson can determined someone characteristic. This is what we actually need. Good character to build a better future.  Both knowledge and good character can lead us to be a better person to a bright future.


Advantages VS Disadvantages of Smartphone

                Mobile phone is a thing that now everyone must have. You can use mobile phone as for both communication and entertainment. In this modern era, mobile phone has develop into smartphone, which has more functions in it. People nowadays can use smartphone for almost everything. From communication, entertainment, news, information, all just in one gadget.Great technology of smartphone has changes many ways of life. All that changes make the user change too. Realized or not, smartphone has become one of the most important thing to do chores in daily life. Even tough not all people around the world have samrtphone, but the effect of smartphone has globalized. It means that all the changes in life must come with both advantages and disadvantages.We have to think critically to overcome the disadvantages of changes.

Smartphone Attack

                  There are so many advantages of smartphone which have known by everyone. People now can easily communicate with others even the person is far away. Distance is no longer as a problem now. As long as we have smartphone, those big problem for some people will disappear and turn into something that very easy. Index of happiness of somebody will increase if they keep in touch with each others and share their moments or problems together. On the other hand, entertainment also available in the smartphone. From music, videos, books, films, you can choose whatever you want and it can appear one your smartphone. You can enjoy your life with doing things that you like in the easy way. No more boring time, you can take your smartphone and kill the time with something fun and great. You can also find any information from your smartphone. Informations from all around the world can easily you get in your gadget. Those advantages of smartphone make people relieve and realize that actually they can do more things in life.

             But something new must have the positive and negative effects. It’s true that we can do anything that we want with smartphone. But there are no limit, so we can fall in negative side. How? First, if we keep communicate with others which is far from us, we feel close to them and we will ‘far’ from the person near around us. We don’t interact with the closest person to us, we just busy talking on the phone, not even a  word spoken. We will talk to people around us just in case if we have something important to them. We can look this view easily in restaurant or other public area. Second, if we have unlimited accsess of information, we will get the negative informations too. Our brain can be washed easily, it can makes us being a fool and lazy person because all that we do is just lay down staring at smartphone without doing anything else. If that really happened, you will be nobody. The next generation of our nation must be saved from the negative side of smartphone to avoid them from those characteristics.

              The advantages and disadvantages of smartphone come together. We must know how to use it wisely so that we can get much positive side of smartphone and avoid all the negative side. This thinking must be given to all the people. From children to elder. We as a teenager has responsibilities to protect ourself  from the smartphone attack. We must built the good characteristics, and defend from the bad characteristics that can attack every time, especially while our mood is bad and lazy. Save this country with strong and smart children, that can develop this country with good changes and a better future.

Adventure In Sukapura Village

                As we approach the end of first semester, SMAN 3 Bandung held annual school program called Bakti Desa. Bakti Desa is a chance for both teacher and students to feel the real life as villager. The aims of this program are to build emphaty and give new way for participants to appreciate more things in life. All 11th grader students, acceleration, and their own homeroom teacher were participate in this program. Bakti Desa was held on 9-13th December 2015 in Sukapura Village. On Thursday, we must came to school at 7 o’clock precise. There, we were waited by many army trucks which were already parked in Kalimantan street.

                One truck was available for one class. So, both acceleration 1 and 2 used the same truck. At first, we felt unpleasant because of the small capacity to sit among 42 persons and many bags and other goods. But later on we enjoyed the journey  from Bandung to Sukapura for approximately 2 hours by several activites. There was Alfanda who enjoyed listening to one direction’s song, Sasha who gave funy riddles to others, and I who was amazed by the view of the evergreen hill. It could raise my mood because actually I felt uncomfortable sit on the corner of the truck, jostled with many big bags. But those sadness gone when we were welcomed by the fresh air of Sukapura Village. We were gathered in the village hall to hear speech from functionary of Sukapura Village and the official opening of Bakti Desa 2015 all at once.  After ate delicious lunch in the hall, we directly went to our  step parents house.

                      We were split into several groups consist of 4-5 persons which live in the same house. My group consist of me, Zahra, Devi, and Thalita. This crazy groups lived in Mr Wawan’s house for 4 days and 3 nights. The house was so comfortable, with complete facilities such as family mushola, garden, and pond in front of the house. He lived with his wife and his daughter. Actually he has 2 daughters but the older stayed in pesantren in Pangandaran. The second daughter named Chacha, who was always put on her prestige to us, she tried to cath our attention but immediately go. Mr Wawan was a teacher of junior high school beside his house.He was busy with his job so we talked with him for the first time at night. He was both serious and funny person, he could understand our teenager character. We happily helped him to correct the exam of his students as he asked to us. I felt a little shocked because the average score was bad, but it turned out that the exam was so hard. We tried to answer some questions but in the end we gave up.

                       Altough the subject was sundanese language, but it was so different from what we’ve learned at school. But Mr Wawan was kindly teach us and answer the question together. In the next day, we came along to onion garden with boys from other group to helped the farmer to pull out weeds from the onion. This was my first experience and it was sooo tiring. I was amazed by the farmer who patiently pulled out the weeds from very wide garden. Next experience was when me and my 3 other friends really want to go to river. But, the boys did not accompany us because they already been there the day before. So, we kept try to find a way to the river. In the middle of our journey, we were ‘teased’ by some guys. Finally we went back to house because we didn’t want to something bad happen.  Surprisingly, the planting program which was one of the program in Bakti Desa was held near the river.

Devi-Zahra-Mr and Mrs Wawan-Me. Happy family?

           We really didn’t know that the way to get trough the river was near. What a happy moment when we could freely play in the river with other friends until the sun heated us. Last but not least, the moment when Camprt was canceled beacuse the rain didn’t stop falling. At first the commitee forced us to stay in the field. But because we were in bad mood and no spirit, we decided to went back to the house silently. And finally Camprt was really cancelled. All the moments that we’ve made while Bakti Desa makes us realize that whatever you have now, you must appreciate it and work hard to get the best as we want. See you soon, Mr Wawan and family!


Book Review: Hawk O’toole’s Hostage

Title                        : Hawk O’Toole’s Hostage

Author                    :Sandra Brown

Publisher                :PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Thick of book         :239 sheet

Year of Publish      :2001


              From the one and only Sandra Brown comes a searing novel of romantic suspense as a beautiful young mother falls victim to a brazen crime and a seductive captor.When her divorce was finally granted, Miranda Price thought the worst was behind her. Now she could get on with her life, far from the public scrutiny and private misery that went along with being Representative Price’s wife. But when Miranda decides to take their young son on a vacation out West, she stumbles into a mother’s worst nightmare. Snatched off a train full of vacationing sightseers, she and her son become the captives of an enigmatic stranger. Miranda knows she will do anything to save her child even if it means fighting her own treacherous feelings for the man who holds her hostage even if it means facing up to a shocking revelation that will make her question her past, her choices, and the woman she’s become.


               The cover is simple and chic, makes a nice first impression to everyone. But when you read the  book, you will served with unexpected story, not as simple as its cover. It will take you to a high level of imagination . But in some part, the story is unfiltered and not recommended for children to read this book. You must clear your mind first if you don’t wanto to be brain-washed by the story. But over all, this book presents both action and romance perfectly. To prove it, go grab the book and read it to the end!

World Class University: Imperial College London

              In this ‘all you can do’ era, people can easily study abroad to complete their goals. Many college students now are join International Students in their university. They choose their own faculty based on what they like and world rank. One of the world class university which sit on the 19th best university in the world by http://worldtop20.org/ is Imperial College London.

Imperial College London is a public research university in the United Kingdom. Its royal patron and founder, Prince Albert, envisioned a public educational area composed of the Natural History museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Royal Albert Hall and the Imperial Institute. The Imperial Intitute was opened by his wife, Queen Victoria, who laid the first brick. Imperial College London soon became a constiuent college of the university of London. The university has grown by mergers including with St Mary’s Hospital. In 2004, Queen Elizabeth II opened the Imperial College Business School. Imperial became independent of the University of London during its centennial celebration.

Imperial is organised into four faculties of science, engineering, medicine and business. The main campus is located in South Kensington, adjacent to Kensington Gardens in central London. The university is a major biomedical research centre and formed the first academic health science centre in the United Kingdom. Imperial is a member of the Russell Group, G5, association of Commonwealth Universities, League of European Researh Universities, and the “Golden Triangle” of British universities.

Imperial is consistently included among the top universities in the world, ranking 2nd in the 2015 QS World University Rankings and 9th in the 2015 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.According to The New York times, recruiters consider its students among the 10 most valued graduates in the world.Imperial faculty and alumni include 15 Nobel laureates, 2 Fields Medalist, 70 Fellow of Royal Universities, 82 Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering and 78 Fellof of academy of Medical Science.

Imperial is the only university in the UK to focus exclusively on science, medicine, engineering and business.

Why Imperial?

Best Public Research University in the World

Named 8th best university in the QS World University Rankings 2015 and number one in the UK for graduate prospects in The Complete University Guide 2016.

Life in London

Ranked amongst the best three student cities in the world by the QS Best Student Cities 2015 index, London is a magnet for students from around the world.

Campus Life

From our South Kensington base, where the College was founded in 1907, Imperial’s expertise now spreads across nine campuses – six medical campuses, our centre for ecology, evolution, and conservation at Silwood Park, and White City Campus, our new 25-acre base for researchers, businesses and healthcare experts to work alongside each other.

Our Courses

An Imperial education is something special. Learn from world class experts and be part of a global community. With so many discoveries happening all around you, expect to be challenged and inspired as we open your mind to the latest thinking in your subject area.

  • For all full-time undergraduate higher education courses at universities and colleges in the UK,you must make an online application via UCAS.
  • There are full instructions on the UCAS website to make it as easy as possible for the applicants to fill in online application, plus help text where appropriate.
  • International applicants outside the UK (EU and worldwide)

If your school or college is registered with UCAS you will be able to apply the same way as UK students; otherwise individuals from the EU (excluding the UK) and worldwide will need to apply online independently. Advice is normally available from your school or college. You are responsible for paying the correct application fee, for obtaining and attaching the academic reference and for submitting the completed application online to UCAS.

  • 15 Jan 18:00 (UK time) is the main undergraduate application deadline

It is the end of a little information of one of the best university in the world, Imperial College London. Interested to continue your study there?




My Job Dream

                 Morning in Bandung now is really cold, it means that raining season is coming. I look out of window, and then sit on the sofa. A cup of tea accompanied me enjoying the morning. I think something while drinking. I think about my future. My imagination runs to 5 years or more later. What will I be in the future, will i become a success person? But my curiosity leads me to one job. That is an entrepreneur. In this globalization era, get a job is very hard and there’s just a few chance. Million people try to find job vacancy. They already prepare the best CV, qualified all the terms, and done the interview. But only few of them accepted to be the employee and finally they get a job.

                    It take a long time and so tiring. So I decided to be an entrepreneur. This nation has only 1,2 % young entrepreneur and it’s considered very low. I think it’s because Indonesian people has low conscious to create a job, not find a job. I try not to be have that mindset. I try to find a new opportunity in business. Actually, I still confuse what kind of business will I choose, but I think for beginner, food business will be match. Traditional snack decorated in modern way seems promised. This tren has proven gives a lot of positive feedback. I hope it will happen too to my food business later.

                But while I think about all about that business, I want to continue my study until master’s degree. I’am very inspired when a master’s degree gives a speech in graduation of my sister. Her speech is very nice, shows her cleverness. She completes her master’s degree only 5 years  by fast track program. Beside being an entrepreneur, I also want to be a chairman of social institution. The instotution consist of school for unlucky child with complete and best facilities, coaching of manpower, and also a complex for old people.

Man full of ideas

Maybe most of people no wonder and confuse why I choose this profession, but from my deepest heart I really want to help people around me. I want to be useful for other people. I want they feel what I feel and get what they should get. And I want pepole who are lucky also help them to. I know that it’s not an easy task. But I’m sure if I have assureance, I will be able to accomplish it. See you on top, my future!

A State of Mind and Way of Life: Peace

In my opinion, peace means a state of mind which applicated into way of action to maintain the harmony in life. Peace comes from all religion and belief because allreligion must support people to keep the peace.This must be set as the reference by people to act based on what their religion told to. As wew know, people around the world has differrences. From religion, nation, language, habit, even skin color, shape of face and many more. If we don’t appreciate and understand each other, surely this world won’t be a niceplace to live. People would blame and argue all day and night to make the same perception. But, that conflict can be resolved by tolerance. Tolerance makes us realize that we can’t force something to someone and the opposite.

And tolerance is one of the ways to create peace which is needed by everyone. We all know that every time we want toachieve our dreams, there must be comes problem and obstacle aheadof us. One of the example is world war. A terryfying tragedy that happened over years showed a big missing of humanity. People were killed everywhere, child and womwn were hurt. Where is the love?The love that actually everyone has it in their heart. People become wicked just because of their greed. I hope that peace can be truly involved by people to create the better world for the future.

Peace that all we need

Analytical Text: Dear Future Leader

A good leader must have a good character. As John Maxwell said, “Leader becomes great not because of their power, but because of the ability to empower others.”

Firstly, in every place of our living has their own problem. To solve the problem, we need someone who can guide us to think, change, and move. Problem can come whenever and happens out of what we think. So. the wise person surely needed to make the better situation.

Secondly,everyone have power and potention to be great. But just the few of them who can organize and use their power not just for theirselves, but also to others. This is very important because if people know and develop their potention in a good way, this world will be great too.

Thirdly, we live with many people around us. We share everything with them, both of happiness and sadness. But how can we make someone care to each others? It will happens if we have a figure that care to us and empower us to care to each others too. Because human is a social creature, so we must live this life together with truly love for each others.

In conclusion, leader is someone who inspire others to dream more, learn more, and achieve more.


Everyone must be have their idol or someone who they’re admire. So do I! I also have my own idol. Actually I have many idols, and one of them is my dad. Why? because he inspired me a lot and changed me to the way I am now.

Here is my interview with my dad and I hope you can get moral values from this little chat:

S: Dad can you tell me your unforgettable experience when you’re in high school?

D: Hmm, there are many amazing experiences actually, but the most linger in my mind is when I became the best student because my score is the highest among others. I didn’t expect it because i didn’t really study well and often played with my friends.

S: Is that achievement cause an effect to your life next?

D:Yes, of course. After I got that achievement, I realized that actually I had potentions that never developed yet. And, I should have appreciate more of everything that I got. I cried and then smiled. That was my stepstone to be a better person and achieve more high dreams.

S:Dad, can you give me a motivation to fight for my life?

D: Here is a quote for you. ‘No pressure, No diamond’. In this life we must face with many problems. To give up and break ourselves or to get up and make ourselves proud are all our choices. What we decide will be what will we get in the future. Be wise for yourself.

S:Wow, that is so amazing! Thank you very much dad, love you forever and more:)

P.S. D:Dad


So, this is the end of my interview with my dad. Have a blast day and happy life readers!